Misc. Policies

Last updated: Jun 30, 2021

 Shipping Policy

UNITRAi (“UNITRAi”, “Company“, “we“, “us“, “our“) or Website(www.unitrai.com) has a no shipping policy for our products and services as we deal in digital products and services. All our products are digital products thus shipping is not required. You(“Users”, “Guests”, “Members”, “Customers”, “Clients”) can download or subscribe to product and services instantly or a given time frame as described on the website.

Cancellation Policy

  • You can cancel your recurring subscriptions from your account section after login to your account.
  • Requests to cancel by e-mail or phone are not considered, and do not accomplish, cancellation.
  • Once you cancel your recurring/membership subscription, you will not lose access immediately. Your service will continue through the end of your current charge cycle. For example: If your credit card is charged on the 5th of the Feb and you cancel on 25th of the month,  your subscription  will continue until the Mar 5th.
  • If you hire us for a development project and the development process has been started then the service can only be cancelled after paying all the expenses incurred.


Dispute Resolution Policy

In case of any dispute or complaint arises between parties(UNITRAi, Clients), a quick resolution procedure will be applied to handle the dispute or complaint.

  • All the complaint/dispute must be communicated in written via e-mail.
  • Disputes or Complaints must be sent to our dispute resolution email complaints@unitrai.com
  • Turnaround for replying dispute/complaint emails is 1 day to 14 days.
  • Disputes and complaints will be handled/solved by proper written communication between parties.
  • In case any of the party is not satisfied with the resolution, Higher authorities will be involved to hear and handle the dispute/complaints and all the communication will be done through emails.
  • If any party seeks for legal action, then that party will notify the other party, 7 days prior to any legal action. Again the dispute/complaints can be resolved by mutual understanding and proper written communication to avoid legal action.