What is the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com?

What is the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com?

WordPress.org and WordPress.com are two distinct platforms that are both related to WordPress, but they serve different purposes and offer different features:

  1. WordPress.org:
    • Self-Hosted: WordPress.org provides you with the open-source WordPress software that you can download and install on your own web server or hosting provider. You have full control over your website’s hosting environment.
    • Customization: With WordPress.org, you have complete freedom to customize your website as you see fit. You can use custom themes and plugins, edit the code, and make any changes you want to your website’s design and functionality.
    • Plugins and Themes: You can choose from a vast library of free and premium plugins and themes to extend your website’s features and appearance.
    • Monetization: You can monetize your website by running ads, selling products, or accepting payments directly.
    • Costs: While the WordPress software itself is free, you will need to pay for web hosting, a domain name, and potentially premium themes or plugins. Costs can vary depending on your hosting provider and the features you need.
  2. WordPress.com:
    • Hosted Service: WordPress.com is a hosted platform that offers a simplified and managed WordPress experience. You don’t need to worry about hosting, server maintenance, or software updates.
    • Limited Customization: WordPress.com restricts some customization options compared to WordPress.org. You can choose from a selection of pre-designed themes, but you cannot upload custom themes or edit the underlying code. Similarly, there are limitations on the use of plugins.
    • Monetization Restrictions: On the free and lower-tier plans, WordPress.com may display their ads on your site. If you want to monetize your site with your own ads or e-commerce features, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan.
    • Costs: WordPress.com offers free plans with limitations, but they also offer premium plans with more features, including custom domains, advanced customization, and e-commerce capabilities. Costs depend on the plan you choose.

In summary, WordPress.org provides greater flexibility, control, and customization options, but it requires you to manage hosting and technical aspects yourself. WordPress.com, on the other hand, offers a more user-friendly and managed experience but with some limitations and potential costs, particularly if you want advanced features or to remove WordPress.com branding. The choice between the two depends on your specific needs and technical expertise.

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