Using image as link in CAKEPHP and html code escape problem

Using image as link in CAKEPHP and html code escape problem

Following Code is required for that:

echo $this->Html->image("your_img.png", array(
'url' => array('controller' => 'some_controller', 'action' => 'display')

Will output:

<a href="/some_controller/display">
<img src="/img/your_img.png" />


Remember: When you want to give image height width as well inside link do it as:

echo $this->Html->link(
                      $this->Html->image("go.png", array( 'alt' => "Go","height"=>30,"width"=>30) ),
                                array( 'title' => "Start Session $row->code", 'escape' => false)

Please don’t forget to add ‘escape’=>false in last params array, else you will get html code for image;

<img src="/is/img/go.png" alt="Go" height="30" width="30" /> // code from my application


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