
Unable to negotiate with no matching key exchange method found

Unable to negotiate with no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 fatal: Could not read from remote repository. The problem came into existince while configuring my newly created drupal module using GIT on my local windows machine. everthing goes well till we run the following command: git push origin 7.x.1.x  OR git push origin...

Using image as link in CAKEPHP and html code escape problem

Following Code is required for that: echo $this->Html->image("your_img.png", array( 'url' => array('controller' => 'some_controller', 'action' => 'display') )); Will output: <a href="/some_controller/display"> <img src="/img/your_img.png" /> </a>   Remember: When you want to give image height width as well inside link do it as: <?php echo $this->Html->link(                       $this->Html->image("go.png", array( 'alt' => "Go","height"=>30,"width"=>30) ),          ...

What is a Class in PHP?

In simple words, class is a user defined datatype. Which have its own constants, variables and functions. The variables of a Class are called properties of the Class and Functions of the Class are called  methods of the Class. Naming Convention Name of the class can be anything provided that it must be a combination of letters, underscores...

How to Remove public from url laravel framework 5.x

Create a DIR in your laravel app root and name it "myapp", you can name it anything you like. Move everthing except public DIR from your root directory to newly created DIR "myapp"  Move everthing from public DIR to root, now public folder will become empty. Your root structure will become like attached image. Edit your index.php as below: change require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';  to require __DIR__.'/myapp/bootstrap/autoload.php'; Change $app =...

How to write emails faster

One of the reasons why smart phones have become so popular is the fact that most of them come with some predictive text typing technology or the other. Predictive text makes typing faster and easier. Period. This statement is so obvious and factually correct that it is quite surprising then that predictive text technology has...

How to search your Mailbox without Opening it

Most popular browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox allow you to perform Internet searches using your favorite search engine directly from the URL address bar. There is no need any more to first open your browser to your favorite search engine and then type the search keywords, when you can directly do that using...

How to keep unwanted junk emails out of your Inbox

A recent research report has revealed that more than 90% of all emails being exchanged on the Internet is spam. While it has become common for users to spend at least a couple of hours everyday going over their emails, unfortunately a majority of this time is spent deleting junk emails, unwanted newsletters and spam....

How to find out if your email has been read

Have you ever read emailed somebody and spent time wondering whether they have received your email or not? Have you ever emailed a business client and not heard back from them since your email had somehow gone to their spam folder? Have your colleagues ever tried to shirk work by claiming that they never received...

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